Crisis Time Corporate Video - Post 3 of 3

Video Blog 3 of 3: Fine Tune for your Clients Needs


Our goal in this series of 3 posts on video is to share how we are not just New York executive portrait photographers. We are content creators. We are New York corporate headshot photographers whose goal it is to help our clients tell their story visually through corporate photography and video even when they cannot be together.

In the last few blog posts we have addressed how video can be used in times of separation as a complement to corporate headshot photography. As we have shared, it is such a wonderful tool to personally share the full scope of your message and help them to get to know you or your organization. Corporate headshot photography has been our M.O. for personalization, but we see this as an add-on that is particularly useful right now since there is no-in person follow up.

In our first blog post on this, we talked about how the coronavirus crisis has created a crisis in fundraising. Spring is gala season and it is no surprise that fundraising that would have otherwise happened at those galas is expected to fall short. In our post, we recommended creating a remote video by capturing interviews or messages of people connected to the organization.

Our next blog post on using corporate video focused on establishing you/your company as a leader and authority. Lead your audience through this crisis with good advice and ongoing connection. Do this through crafting a video or series of videos that show what you are doing now and how you will be looking towards future ways to support your clients.

You likely have many channels and modes of communication to reach your audience. You create an impression and share information with them through multiple media. Adding well-thought out video messaging can add to your arsenal.

Video can be more work, but it is worth the effort. 54% of consumers want to see more video from their brands (HubSpot 2018). They want to get to know their brands better and video, done well, presents this opportunity. And let's not forget about the benefits to your business. According to Optinmonster, video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year and report and increase in brand awareness of 54%. There is so much more excellent information about this topic. Follow this link to read more.

Video for New and Existing Clients

We always recommend starting with a corporate headshot or executive portrait from your New York headshot photographers at The Booth (!!!), but video can be the next phase.

It is important to maintain awareness among your clients, even when they have no pressing need for your services. Maintaining awareness among your clients can help them understand that, yes(!) you are still in business, that you have a strong foundation and that you can use your expertise to help them find a path through the pandemic and out the other side.

A simple message delivered via video, can do this with impact and help maintain continuity in your relationship with them. Tell them about the status of your work and a few ways you have been helping clients or working through the pandemic.

You can choose the kind of video to make based on your goals and who you want to reach. Here are a few ideas that will give you a framework:

Interviews – a great way for your audience to get to know you or your team. You can establish yourself as an expert in your area.

Presentations – show your audience what you do or how your product has helped other clients or something interesting you saw in your market that could help.

Tutorials – show your audience how to use a piece of technology or provide guidance on a topic

While you are deciding on the framework you would like to use, consider what the content will be. This will help guide your decision on what framework you use.

Brainstorm on content. Think like a salesperson and ask yourself what is your audience's biggest pain point? What issues are most prevalent in your industry right now. What are your areas of expertise and how can you contribute? What resources do you have internally or externally that you can tap and share with clients?

Think about what’s their specific interest, what is their pain point and how can your services and expertise help solve that. Chances are, if you have been in business for some time, you know what this is.

Make your content innovative. If your business peers are all putting content on the same topics, think about what else could be useful. For example, right now many small businesses are looking for funding. Webinars are everywhere with generalized information about the two major loans circulating – EIDL and PPP. Be available to consult on that if it is within your area of expertise, but if you want attention, think of another angle. Think about the niche you inhabit, then offer advice that applies to that.

Maybe you don't have any skills or resources that will help you get your clients through this crisis. In that case, tell the world who you are, but do so through the lens of the current crisis. If you are a party planner, let the world know the wonderful work you do, but frame it with language or content that shows you understand how you will be ready when the world is ready to start gathering at events again.

Stay Current and Highlight Timely Innovation at Your Company

Every day we are blown away by how companies are pivoting to accommodate what the world needs. If you are doing this, tell the world. When the virus came around, Joanne Fabrics shared that they would start offering supplies and instruction on how to create masks plus a collection point for dropoff.

Allbirds, the innovative shoe company is donating $500,000 of their supremely comfortable shoes to healthcare workers.

Videos and SEO

Everything starts and ends with SEO. Your clients need to find you, so you should consider how your video will perform to meet your end goal.

Since we are talking about maintaining and growing awareness, your best and most highly trafficked platforms are YouTube and Vimeo. If you want an audience that is directed back to your website, Wistia is a great option. Other ways to boost online video SEO are to include a video transcript. This bolsters the video content for search engines. Just like you would with any other content, and make sure your accompanying title and description are well crafted using the same rules you would with any other content. (Wordstream)

New York corporate headshot photographer